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Epsom, UK
"I have to let you know we all think MyFamilyArchive is BRILLIANT! Having tried to create our own solution, particularly to the dilemma of how to make an extended family tree readable, but also of then linking a mass of online photos, videos and documents, we know just what a challenge it is. Whoever at MyFamilyArchive came up with such a beautiful solution has our undying respect and gratitude.
"As background, my dad died over twenty years ago, In his final years he obviously started thinking about legacy. After his death we discovered seven huge cardboard boxes full of genealogical research, old family letters and carefully compiled family albums. We then spent the next three months busting our brains trying to work out a) how to display almost 300 years of family tree in a coherent way, and b) trying to find a way to link it all to the letters and photo albums. After several false starts and blind alleys we finally discovered MyFamilyArchive.
"Last but not least, when I submitted my query to you yesterday, I wasn't expecting a reply by return. It was a Sunday, and fast response isn't how online resources work these days. Yet you came back immediately - a real person with a reassuring answer. We thought highly of MyFamilyArchive before, now you have given the final extra flourish."
Bountiful, Utah [Follow up regarding our Help Desk response]
"Thank you for all of your excellent help! I was able to figure out my own solution within your privacy settings. In less than a week I have built out my tree to almost 30 people with nearly 100 linked albums--with new ideas and sources continually swirling in my head. I have just been more and more pleased with your concept as I keep working on my collection, and I absolutely love having everything pulled together and organized."
Granbury, Texas (from Rootstech Connect)
"I am a recently-retired university librarian and archives manager. I started this just from watching three of your videos here at RootsTech, so great job on those! I was excited to see I could additionally add the links to the book previews for a couple books I made at Also just discover I can add links to timelines I created in TimelineJS. This is SOOOO awesome! I LOVE that I don't have to re-upload everything to a new site! I'm now planning to write a blog post about your product, hopefully tomorrow."
Los Angeles, CA
"I have to say I'm very impressed at your site and your forward-thinking in its design. I'm in the middle of a project to digitize my extended family's photos, video recordings, and film reels. I had spent a good deal of time thinking about how best to make everything available to my relatives. I've worked with Adobe Lightroom, SmugMug, and YouTube, but I needed something that would tie everything together.
"I also came to the realization that it would be best if things were organized by family tree, which you do, of course. That way, it would help me, my siblings, and my cousins identify relatives we never knew in old photos and video. I tried to use MyHeritage as the tree, but their media organization options are poor. I even considered developing my own solution, but knew it would be quite difficult.
"I could go on, but suffice it to say, I was very impressed at what you've pulled off. It could use some incremental improvements, but the general idea is right on the money. I especially like that you aren't trying to sell everyone a new way to store their media, but rather a way of organizing whatever's stored elsewhere.
"I wish your site was more well-known, and I hope it gets out there to the wider public."
Toronto, Canada
"I was SO excited and mind-blown when I heard the MyFamilyArchive interview on the Exactly Enough Time podcast. I used to have all my photos organized in albums until the digital age. I then started to blog and share on social media. My photos and videos accumulated on my devices. I found it challenging with them in different formats and in different places like computers, phones, blogs, YouTube, Flickr, social media, etc.
"I feel like MyFamilyArchive could be what I was dreaming of. One place to link all my different accounts and media types!! It will make it so much easier to find them to enjoy and to share with my loved ones! I'm on the MyFamilyArchive bandwagon!!
"Thank you so much for creating it. I look forward to exploring it more, collecting and connecting."
Bethesda, MD
(Email sent to Maureen Taylor - The Photo Detective Podcast. Reprinted with permission.)
"Maureen - Thank you for this podcast! [Episode 103: Organize, Preserve, and Share with]. Please thank Stan Kinsey for the brilliant idea to develop this solution and the timing is perfect. MyFamilyArchive is an amazing way to pull everything in the cloud into one view that is easier for other family members to see and interact with.
"I have just started using the app but I find it easy to use. The intro email with where to start sets an inviting tone. The walkthrough tips when you first start are friendly and instructive but not condescending. Full disclosure, I work in IT in a business development role (including software training, website development, and more.)
"My question is how to get the word out to the rest of the world?"
Annapolis, MD
"MyFamilyArchive has created something special. It fit exactly what I was looking for (and I was actively looking for this), so I easily caught its vision.
"I was looking for a way to create a private, shareable family archive: a place to collect both family photos and personal stories, and a place where my family could add to it from their own collections. One archive in the cloud on a secure site. MyFamilyArchive was exactly what was in my head, and I was thrilled to discover it.
"I have a public tree on Ancestry where I do genealogy research; this has been the perfect complement. In addition, Stan and his team are all about putting out a quality product. They are always coming up with new ideas - features that I use - and their customer service is exceptional. I highly recommend MyFamilyArchive."